MSQR-5000® Overview

The MSQR-5000® is a revolutionary non-computerized pneumatic closed-loop anti-lock braking system which can dramatically improve the safety and reduce maintenance costs of any vehicle using air brakes.

The MSQR-5000 is a revolutionary, inexpensive, non-computerized anti-lock braking system that dramatically improves safety and reduces maintenance costs of vehicles with air brakes.

The MSQR-5000® is a combination differential pressure regulator/quick release valve that is installed at each braking axle into the service air lines centered between the brake chambers.


  • The only anti-lock braking system available today that does not increase the stopping distance

  • Dramatically reduces the stopping distance of every stop up to 40%

  • Prevents wheel lock-up

  • Helps prevent jackknifing by making the vehicle stop straight

  • Increases braking efficiency

  • Braking requires less effort/less air

  • Decreases maintenance costs by reducing wear and tear on brake system components

  • Decreases maintenance costs by helping brakes and tires wear more evenly

  • Some insurance companies offer up to a 10% liability insurance discount

Don't just take our word for it. Read some customer comments. View analyses of performance and maintenance costs performed by our customers on vehicles before and after installation of the MSQR-5000®. Watch our stopping distance demonstration and 30-second television commercial online in streaming video, or contact us for a DVD or VHS tape.

Exceeds FMVSS "571.121" Standards, RE: U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, Case 95-9513. Details...

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